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Fonseca's Fury (Mills & Boon Modern) (2015)

by Abby Green(Favorite Author)
3.45 of 5 Votes: 4
Mills & Boon Modern
Billionaire Brothers
review 1: Luca has every reason to hate Serena. Because of her, Luca had spent years repairing his reputation. Now Serena is working for one of his charities. Serena swears she's nothing like the wild child she had been in the past and she's willing to prove it. She had spent years becoming stronger and she's not going to let this Brazilian billionaire tear her down.This is a passionate love story about two wounded people. I especially liked Serena. I thought she was a fascinating and complex heroine.
review 2: Very original and interesting book with a believable HEA. Flaws that kept it from 5 stars for me: It took a good 25% in before the story really started at all for me. Heroine Serena's capitulation to the standard HP deal ("whatever x is" in exchange for sex) w
... moreas a bit inconsistent with where she was in her life journey. She even reflects on this. I think she jumped in too quickly with hero when she had a reprieve. And in the scene where Luca walks out on her...I was left uncomfortable. He wasn't very discerning of her obvious distress. And the biggest flaw...I wish it had been braver....total cop-out from the prior books where Serena was introduced. this is not a "bad" heroine needing redemption or even an experienced heroine who came close to equalling hero (who regularly engaged in sexual relationships with women he cared nothing for right up until he met heroine). She is not the least bit slutty or promiscuous, nor was she ever, not even long in the past and not for a moment. She was just a girl who had been horribly abused, her freedom of choice removed from her. And of course never had sexual pleasure before, which really irritated the heck out of me. Things that were great: The relationship development was believable and for once, hero had a SUPERB reason for being really angry with the heroine to start! I really felt for heroine, her story was horrific and unique/crazy enough to be believable. She didn't immediately enjoy being with the hero. Safe sex really well incorporated and no pregnancy cop-out to force them together. Rather nice declaration by the hero at the end. Believable HEA. less
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Another Paris Hilton heroine. I don't know why I bother with this author anymore.
received 4 1/2 stars @ RT Book ReviewsMiniseries: Billionaire Brothers
received 4 1/2 stars @ RT Book ReviewsMiniseries: Billionaire Brothers
Loved this book :). Compassion and love win.
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