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Silly Lilly In What Will I Be Today? (2011)

by Agnes Rosenstiehl(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 4
193517908X (ISBN13: 9781935179085)
Toon Books
review 1: Another graphic novel for the very young. It's good, but not great. Some of the choices that the author made do not match the intended audience well. City Planner and Vampire both as jobs?The story is simple, flat and linear, good for early readers. The artwork reminds me of old comic strips.This book is a pleasant addition to the growing shelf of graphic novels for early readers, but not much more than that.
review 2: Reason for Reading: I was fortunate enough to sample the very first Toon Books and now can't help myself checking out every new one as it's published.Rosenstiehl's Silly Lilly is a delightful little girl, vibrant, joyful and intelligent. She's always on the go and has a wonderful imagination. Lilly knows the days of the week and every day this we
... moreek she is going to have a different job. The jobs range from the practical city planner to the creative cook and the plain silly vampire. But she has them all planned out perfectly with an extra special job for Sundays. Rosenstiehl's illustrations are minimalist but every item in the picture has a purpose. Keep your eyes on teddy's expression during then musician sequence and on her apron as she is a cook. These details make the story twice as expressive than the text alone is able to do. The author bio lets us know that Silly Lilly has been around for years in France having all sorts of exploits in French children's picture books, hopefully someday we will get to know her better with English translations of these older works. less
Reviews (see all)
wonderful kid's book about imagination done in early twentieth century comic strip style
Clever and refreshing early reader. I need to learn more about this French author.
from toon books series for emerging readers. this series is leveled.
"I like when she was a candy taster because she's so silly!"
Another delgihtful story with Silly Lilly!
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