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Phobic (2000)

by Cortney Pearson(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
The Forbidden Doors
review 1: ** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review **Intense and creepy with a twist of romance! I found this book slow to begin with but it soon propelled you into chaos.. many times I was holding my breath in anticipation .. yet others trying to wrap my brain around what was happening. A very creative and brilliant idea for a story. I loved Piper Crenshaw. Her life certainly wasn't the easiest yet she just lived it to the best of her ability even with the past/present (Whatever is it lol)causing misery.. I mean how easy can it be, being a teenager, social outcast, whilst living in a creepy house that appears to be... alive.. with a murderous mother and dead father? Not to mention the dead in the basement.I loved the hint of romance! Finally some light at ... morethe end of the darkness for Piper and a new beginning for herself and brother..I would recommend this book to anyone that likes to read something a little different and unexpected!
review 2: Piper Crenshaw is a fifteen year old girl with zits, a boy-that’s-a-friend who she wishes were a boyfriend, and a pack of mean-girl bullies on her case. Piper is completely ordinary.Except for the fact that her mother killed a man and hid his body in their house. And the fact that their house is haunted. In fact, Piper’s house is almost a character in this creepy, thrill-filled contemporary horror story. It alternates between protecting and terrorizing Piper, sometimes locking her in, other times beating up the bullies in her life. It features stairs that lead nowhere and steaming pools of blood. In this house, the past and the present, the ordinary and the bizarre, all exist side-by-side.Piper has been raised to accept her situation and not ask questions. Tired of passively taking what comes her way, she starts to investigate. She slowly learns that she and her family are trapped for all of eternity in the hundred year-old scheme of a madman, and she is the only one who can save them.Author Cortney Pearson has pulled out all the stops in PHOBIC, her first novel. Piper’s high school life (including her hot potential boyfriend) are just as fully realized as the demonic history of her home and family. The story goes back and forth effortlessly between the normal and the twisted, the sane and the lunatic, the expected and the unthinkable. I read this book fast, with a pumping heart. Expect cliff hangers and cold chills. Don’t expect to get much sleep! Highly recommended. less
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I have no idea why this book got such high scores.
Have to put this aside. Couldn't get into it.
Full review to come.
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