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The Barefooted, Bad-Tempered, Baby Brigade (2010)

by Deborah Diesen(Favorite Author)
3.29 of 5 Votes: 5
1582462747 (ISBN13: 9781582462745)
Tricycle Press
review 1: I can see this book being more for parents. It is really for certain parents, that is the parents of barefooted, bad tempered babies. It was my first one to a tee, but doesn't fit my second one at all (we call her giggles...very laid back and go with the flow). Anyway, if you have a baby who thinks she's ready to move out on her own before she's one, this is the book for you. I still read it and have fond memories...sigh.
review 2: Deborah Diesen’s second picture book for young children tells the story of a group of fed-up babies loudly announcing to the world just how they feel (sort of like a baby scream in the middle of the night). 6:15 a.m. and the babies march, crawl and push their way to the town hall to protest: no more raspberries on their bellies,
... moreno more washing faces or eating peas; no haircuts, sun caps or taking their naps. The babies are mad and throwing one heck of a town wide tantrum declaring that they are a “barefooted, bad-tempered baby brigade!” The story has a satisfying end, reassuring children that it’s alright to feel upset at times and let out all of those feelings; your parents will still be there for a good ole hug and snuggle when you are ready.Although young children will love the musical sound of the text being read to them, I believe older children will enjoy the story more. And adults?! Well, any parent with a child will be able to relate to dealing with a fussy, grumpy baby! The toddlers are brought to life with the help of Tracy Dockray’s illustrations. Adorably ornery young ones are depicted in each spread with such belligerent expressions; parents will be biting their lips to keep from smiling. Great for sharing one-on-one or with a group, just be careful that you do not instigate a barefooted, bad-tempered baby brigade in your own town! Get those hugs and snuggles ready! less
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The only word I can come up with is: creepy. Big Baby in Toy Story 3 creepy :)
Very funny.
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