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Leading So People Will Follow (2012)

by Erika Andersen(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 4
111837987X (ISBN13: 9781118379875)
review 1: An eye-opening guide to becoming a truly effective leader. This book did a fantastic job of walking through the traits that we look for in our leaders, and exercises to build further develop these traits ourselves. I was able to identify a lot of areas that need a ton of improvement within my own leadership/communication style, and am looking forward to making real progress in each of them. Highly recommended.
review 2: I found myself conflicted while reading it, and in considering a review. After reading it, I THEN looked at other Goodreads commentary, and found it consistent with my view: If you're new to a leadership role, and/or if you find yourself with the responsiblity for coaching or mentoring new people leaders, it's an okay primer in a very simple p
... morearable.That being said, if you have any depth of succesful people leadership experience, you'll likely find it to be a collection of 185 pages of pedantry and pablum. Skip it. less
Reviews (see all)
Really it was just okay, I've read better books on leadership, there wasn't much new in it.
Well articulated, clear instructions, sensible advice in an easily accessible format.
good premises, but after the first couple chapters, becomes redundant.
very solid read & easy to digest.
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