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Maureen Gets Crafty (2013)

by Jonathan Hill(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 5
Jonathan Hill
review 1: If you already know her you'll love this latest story from Jonathan Hill about his hapless creation, Maureen. In this special Christmas offering Maureen is at her social climbing, sherry slurping, self-deluded best. Although you know where this story is going before Maureen gets there you're thinking "No! Stop! It won't work Maureen" but she goes to the limit with the inevitable consequences.If you haven't met Maureen before I'm sure you'll enjoy this short story and want to read the other books too.In Maureen the author has created a wonderful character who at times amazes with the extent of her crassness but occasionally is poignantly sensitive and insightful. Beautifully written with clarity and precision, Jonathan Hill once again demonstrates that he is the master of s... moremall details - a talented writer of short stories.In addition you get two Maureen drabbles - a form of writing at which the author excels - and an additional story from an earlier period in Maureen's life. All in all an entertaining and lively read for Christmas or any time of the year and excellent value for money.
review 2: This is a delicious little seasonal short story full of laughs. I say delicious – it includes sherry and chocolates! The story is full of sharp little observations. Maureen as usual is out to impress someone and digs herself in ever deeper. We all know someone with some of Maureen’s traits. I just hope nobody knows someone with them all! Even the laughs are thought provoking though. Do you try so hard to impress because you’re insecure? On that thought, I’d say read this and start your Christmas with a laugh! less
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Some people really shouldn't be allowed near scissors!
A genuinely funny little collection of short stories.
Funny, Funny, Funny
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