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The Two Gentlemen Of Altona (2000)

by Lisa Henry(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 3
Playing the Fool
review 1: The Two Gentlemen of Altona (Playing the Fool #1) was an entertaining and often funny book, with an underlying darkness. The writing was top notch and I enjoyed the plot quite a bit. I loved Mac - grumpy, imperfect, dedicated and loyal. For Henry, though the jury is still out. He was entertaining for sure, but also a major liar, and I have a tough time with that (although his background does make it understandable). There is loads of UST, which I do enjoy, but not much fulfillment in this installment. The story ends on a major cliffhanger with many secrets unrevealed. So, I hope to read #2 soon!
review 2: Cliffhangers/abrupt endings... God I hate them! Other than that slap in the face, this was a pretty entertaining read. I enjoyed the interactions betwe
... moreen Henry and Mac. The sexual tension between them was well played (though I didn't appreciate it all turning out to be one super long tease by the end). And Henry was just too funny for words at times. Will definitely check out the two upcoming books in this series. (Hopefully they won't turn out to be excessively drawn out bits of drama.) less
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