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Make It Last (2000)

by Megan Erickson(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 1
0062353535 (ISBN13: 9780062353535)
Bowler University
review 1: Megan Erickson is playing with the big girls with MAKE IT LAST...bringing another fantastic addition to the Bowler University series, solidifying her place among some of my favorite New Adult Authors! Christina Lee and Erin McCarthy Fans will fall in LOVE with Erickson's "real" approach to New Adult romance, and her heroes have all the qualities that make a smokin hot book boyfriend (says the cougar)!Cam and Tate have a hurtful past, which comes to light little by little throughout MAKE IT LAST, where we get to watch them form a truce while he is home for the summer helping his mother, and she is stuck in their hometown taking care of her sick father and younger brother. Let's just say that my heart was broken from the first time they see each other after four years...ye... morea...talk about an overload of emotion...and it doesn't stop there.My favorite part of the book was the two of them playing Utope, which is like a "Sims" game, and those small "things I want to say to you, but can't to your face" moments just stole my heart. Talk about loving someone so much, you will go to lengths to make sure they have a better life...Tate is someone I admire and I don't say that a lot about heroines, but I would definitely invite her to hang with my chicks I highly recommend the complete Bowler University Series, as a series whore..I say start at the beginning, but buy them all, cause you wont be able to stop once you start!!
review 2: Dear Max, I’m so sorry but Cam Ruiz totally stole my heart. I hope you’ll understand.I am absolutely in love with this book! The pages definitely flew. I love everything about this. I think that this is actually my favorite from the series! Megan Erickson did it again! She definitely knows how to write a book that’s balanced with romance, humor and drama.I have to admit that I had my doubts when I saw the cover because I was totally shocked to see people in undies compared to the first two, which looked more wholesome. I tend to be very picky with NA novels, preferably the “clean” ones. However, I’d still tag this one as clean. Hahaha!I really love the characters in this book. All of them! From the protags, Cam and Tate, down to the minor characters like Van, Jamie, Anne, Ted and Teresa. Tate is very adorable. I love the fact that she’s responsible and I could really relate to her and I think that was because we’re both first borns. I love her willpower and sass and despite that her vulnerability was actually my favorite part because it makes her human and easier to relate with. Cam, oh Cam! I’m swooning over him. I like the fact that he’s not an all-high-and-mighty alpha male. Male protags from NA novels tend to be like that, oh but not in Megan’s novels I guess, so plus points for that. I mean, yeah he’s got his moments where he seemed controlling but it was all done in good reason, and in a very gentleman-like manner I’d say. He’s very much responsible as well and I really admire that. He’s very passionate about Tate, their chemistry is off the radar and I love it so much. Van is that bff every girl should need. She’s funny and interesting. Jamie was a bit of a trouble at first but I love the fact that he got his shit together. It was such a great thing to witness in the book and it has a lot of relevance to the plot. I think Anne might be my favorite. I just love the woman’s wits and concern for both of them, especially for Tate and her family.Cam and Tate also had this special game called Utope. It’s a simulation game, bit of like The Sims. It was absolutely adorable!! I also loved the cameos of Kat, Alec, Lea, Max and Danica. That scene reminded me of the Isla and the Happily Ever After, especially the Point Zero scene. I hope you got the reference guys because my eyes just transformed into hearts like that of an emoji, while reading that scene.Overall, this book had me rolling to and fro in my bed because my heart couldn’t take all the emotions rushing in. I definitely love this book and I’d definitely recommend it to you guys! less
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One of my favorite series! I hope this is not the end!
Review to come closer to release.
A great conclusion to the series!
Really great. Review to come.
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