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The Vincenzo Adventure (2010)

by Ned Rauch-Mannino(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 2
0982432992 (ISBN13: 9780982432990)
Better Karma LLC
Fingertip Island
review 1: Ned is a good friend. I read this series with my daughter over the summer. I recommend the book on bullying. His words are so simple yet so powerful in the message. I recommend this book series for many reasons. Most of all because my daughter had so many questions about the content. While reading she stopped so much and her independant thought showed me that this book was worthwhile. It engaged us and made her think.
review 2: I completely disagree with the review below mine: I really liked this book. (I was debating between four stars and five, and the review before mine pushed me to five, ha!) The descriptions were great and I think my children had so me great visuals to work with. The storyline was nicely put together and I like how the author used little t
... morehings in the beginning of the story and brought them around in the end. The setting was creative, and now I've got two children wondering what they would do if on FingerTip Island. Isn't that the point of the book, to push kids imaginations? Remember, this book is for grade school children: it has talking animals and action and humor and a bad guy - things kids look for in a story! We found it exciting and the imagination component was definitely without limits!!And oh, if I wrote a book heck yeah I'd rate it 5-stars! That's like saying you'd prefer Justin Beiber better than your own kid. Duh!! less
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I loved it. Sweet story for kids and adults.
What a refreshing new series!
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