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Daughter By Court Order (2014)

by Ratna Vira(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
8172345216 (ISBN13: 9788172345211)
Fingerprint Publishing
review 1: What happens when the idea of a mother's love becomes an etiolated reality of your life? What happens when the mother who rocked your cradle, who held you in your first few stumbling steps becomes the one to unleash the most painful blows on your life?This is the story of Aranya. This is the story of a woman whose identity is not acknowledged by her family, whose existence is abused by her mother, whose life becomes an issue of a court case. This is the story of a woman to prove her identity and claim her rights. This is the story of a Daughter by Court Order.
review 2: Family is everything, right? In your moments of extremes, their support is what you crave for. But what If your family, your own flesh and blood, refuse to acknowledge that you even exist? Wha
... moret happens when your own mother, who kept you in her womb for nine months screeches in the open court for the whole wide world to hear that she does not remember having you? What do you do then? This is a story of Aranya, a daughter who's very existence was denied by her own family. A daughters story of standing up after a long life of dejection and humiliation, for her identity, for her dignity and most importantly, for her children. Being a law student, I have seen Civil litigations drag on for more than decades. But with enough faith and hope justice is delivered. All that is needed for this is Patience. For justice system may be lengthy but it's not unfair and truth comes around eventually, even when the chance seem bleek. And then there is God. This is an extraordinary book. it is similarly different to all the books doting upon the idea of feminism. It bought back memories of my home State and a particular set up that I've seen unclose and know all too well. I can only imagine the courage that would have been taken for writing this (even if it claims to be fiction) Pick it up and read it Today. Afterall Miracles do Happen :) less
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One of the books of the season. Must read!
Very real and very good read.
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