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Whore Diaries: My First Two Weeks As An Escort (2012)

by Tara Burns(Favorite Author)
3.19 of 5 Votes: 1
Tara Burns
review 1: Quite enjoyable in that it reminded me keenly of the hectic pace and the euphoric discovery of my first two weeks as an escort. (God, I can't believe that occurred a *decade* ago.) I do have some qualms with how she has a bit of a woo woo new age goddess judgement on everyone's kinks, but other than that, she was even subculturally similar enough to me for me to feel a deep and comforting sense of familiarity.
review 2: I undertook my second e-book experiment when Tara Burns published Whore Diaries. (And I now think much more highly of e-books, tell you what.) I have loved reading her subscription blog for years—she is a great writer and she has a hell of a story to tell—and I can say the same of her first e-book. Her take on escorting is philosophical a
... morend unorthodox. The Tao of Tara. She begins with "Conversations With God in the Titty Bar," and ends far, far too soon. Write a longer book next time, huh Tara? Then again, business master mind that she is, she might just prepping readers for the longer book to come. I certainly hope so. less
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Super short. Definitely more like an article. But an interesting read.
I WROTE A BOOK!!!! It's awesome! Read it!
Terrible amateur and ridiculously bad.
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