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SEAsoned: A Chef’s Journey With Her Captain (2011)

by Victoria Allman(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 5
Smashwords Edition
review 1: Want to take a gastronomic odyessy from the comfort of your living room? Start reading this one at home or take this book to the beach and enjoy SEAsoned: A Chef’s Journey with Her Captain by Victoria Allman. Sprinkled with over 30 mouthwatering recipes and spiced with tales of adventure. Published by NorLights Press:“I’d never seen the ocean turn that particular shade of grey. I could barely tell where the steel grey waves stopped and the concrete grey sky began, especially when the boat heeled to a forty-five degree angle.Smash! The starboard cupboard flung open with a force that catapulted half a dozen glass vases from their shelf. They broke apart on the floor like sputtering tomato sauce on a hot stove.”With an opening paragraph such as this, how could you no... moret want to read on?! Victoria Allman brought together memories from her last 12 years at sea with her husband Patrick, initially working together as first mate and chef, the moving on to their own yacht where her husband is also her captain and boss. They cruised to the Bahamas , Italy , France , Spain and Greece with their own crew, making memories, preparing great food and combining work with pleasure.Among the many recipes in this book (over 30 great recipes) I have prepared Turkish Lamb Kebobs with Greek Tsatziki, Mojo Marinated Grilled Chicken and plan on the Applesauce Cinnamon Muffins very soon. This book is an easy adventure read with many amusing stories and is chock full of good recipes.The kebab recipe may be found at Squirrel Head Manor.
review 2: A RECIPE FOR LIVING A DREAM SEAsoned WITH SPICY ADVENTURES ! Once you start reading this book you become capivated by the humorous character depictions! I felt like I was on the yacht as the newlyweds discovered each other thru stormy seas and inexperienced and animated crew! I became entranced by the savory depiction of every dish prepared, each market she visited and felt her pain as the yacht owners invaded her kitchen and began abusing her special knifes! And the awesome recipes which are so easy to follow for this amateur cook make this book even more delicious! Excellent Read - page Turner! Something everyone will enjoy! less
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well-written and charming, whether you like food or travel (or both!)
A light, enjoyable afternoon's read.
This was a fun book to read.
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