Books: 16 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.35
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Vina Jackson

3.22 of 5 Votes: 3
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Books by Vina Jackson
Eighty Days White (2013)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This novel is another installment in the Eighty Days Series and the authors have delivered again. There seems to be no end of alternative life choices in this one; from voyeurism, exhibitionism, female domination, male domination, submission, spanking, to (and I know it's hard to...
Eighty Days Red (2012)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Este libro a diferencia de sus otra dos partes, es mas facil de leer.Lo notas desde un principio.Vemos menos ¨accion¨ por no decir otra palabra.vemos como Summer y Dominik van sobrelllevando esto de estar separados y como poco a poco vuelven a extrañarse desesperadamente y como v...
Eighty Days Yellow (2012)
2.92 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Can I first point out how amazingly well this novel was written!The two perspectives, how they intervened with each other and that they didn't clash at any point.I loved that it wasn't at all based upon just Summer and Dominik it was how both of their lives were shaped and what t...
Eighty Days Amber (2012)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Unfortunately I couldn't finish it. I got it out from the library and I now see there are previous books in the series that perhaps I should have read first...However I found I couldn't connect very well to the central character Luba, the story felt a bit aloof and I almost felt ...
80 Days - Die Farbe der Erfüllung (2012)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Unfortunately in this trilogy the first book is the best one of it. I did like to read this book, but it isn’t from the same level as book 1 for me. Although I enjoyed the second part of the book more than the first pages. I like the way it is written from Summers point of view a...
Ochenta melodías de pasión en rojo (2012)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: pořád a stále mi tam prostě něco chybělo. Většinou se mi to nestává, jasně, už to bylo lepší, rozhodně jak první dva díly, jenže chybí tomu prostě takovýto, kvůli čemu by se do toho člověk úplně zažral. Do konce jsem byla trochu nejistá...a to mě trochu sere.A žádné miluju tě, ta...
80 Days - Die Farbe der Begierde (2012)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Ογδόντα ημέρες κίτρινο ο τίτλος του πρώτου βιβλίου και 80 ημέρες μπλε του δεύτερου. Όσον αφορά εμένα προσωπικά τα μετονομάζω και τους δίνω τον γενικότερο τίτλο 30 μέρες ταλαιπωρίας για να τα διαβάσω, αφού κατάφεραν να μου κόψουν τελείως την όρεξη για διάβασμα.Από το πρώτο κιόλας ...
80 Notes de Bleu (2012)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: The book is the continution from Eighty Days yellow. In this book it started well until the past has to catch up and Victor.. man I hate the devil. The book was slowly progressing until Victor decided to throw his bad action in it. It was really fun reading the last few chapters ...
Ochenta melodías de pasión en azul (2012)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Η αλήθεια είναι πως όταν κυκλοφόρησε το "Ογδόντα Ημέρες Κίτρινο", δεν ήταν πολλοί οι φίλοι και οι γνωστοί μου που το αντιμετώπισαν με ενθουσιασμό. Οι περισσότεροι θα τολμούσα να πω πως ένιωσαν αποστροφή ως προς το θέμα που πραγματευόταν, πράγμα που πιστεύω πως οφείλεται ξεκάθαρα ...
Die Farbe der Begierde (2012)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: 2,5/3Kitap ilkinden daha farklı yazılmış gibi geldi bana ama öbürünü okuyalı çok zaman olduğu için yanlış da hatırlıyor olabilirim tabii..Sürekli zaman atlamaları yapılmış ve özet geçiliyormuş gibi yazılmış kitap.. Karakterlere yine ısınabilmiş değilim, bir türlü sevemedim gitti....
80 Dias - A Cor da Tentação (2012)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Seconda parte di questa trilogia.I protagonisti si ritrovano, si separano di nuovo, si ritrovano, ma sembra non si capiscano, lui non si apre davvero, non riesce a decidere per un rapporto esclusivo ma lo vorrebbe.Lei trova la sua grande occasione come solista, ma non ha chiaro c...
Die Farbe der Lust (2012)
2.92 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I don't like Victor very much no actually I hate him
review 2: More a self-discovery, finding your voice, dressed down 'romance' with darker bdsm.
80 notes de jaune (2012)
2.92 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Hated this book! Never gonna read the others in the series.
review 2: ok whoever put this book in dark reads needs to change light bulbs of the house.
Ochenta melodías de pasión en amarillo (2012)
2.92 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Summer , a young women from New Zealand  now living in London and earning a living working as a waitress  and playing her violin for tips in the London subway . Unknown to her she has obtained a fan , Dominik who was taken with her skill and her looks; Dominick is a tenured profe...
Ochenta melodías de pasión en ámbar (2013)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I received this book from Orion, the publisher, and rated it 4.5 stars.Lubov Shevshenko (Luba) was born in the Ukraine and raised both there and in Russia while she trained as a ballerina. Attracted to bad boys from her teenage years she has been known to give them pleasure and e...
80 Days - Die Farbe des Verlangens: Band 4 Roman (2013)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Luba, die russische Tänzerin - Dies ist ihre Geschichte.Als Luba nach New York kommt um ein besseres Leben zu finden, begegnet sie Chey. Chey, der ihr Leben verändern und prägen wird. Ihre erste große Liebe. Doch diese Liebe wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt und es vergehen Jahr...
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